Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj
Evropski socialni sklad
Slovenski podjetniški sklad
Ministerstvo za gosopodarski razvoj in tehnologijo
Ministerstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti
Erasmus EU
Evropska unija
Evropski kmetijski sklad

We are a mosaic

A humanitarian, voluntary, independent, and non-profit association that has been working in Pomurje since 2003, striving to connect and address the needs of vulnerable social groups

Who are we?

Društvo Mozaik is a humanitarian, voluntary, independent, and non-profit association that has been working in Pomurje since 2003, striving to connect and address the needs of vulnerable social groups. Through the development of social entrepreneurship, we successfully facilitate the inclusion of vulnerable social groups by providing training and employment opportunities in economically viable activities, contributing to a higher quality of life in the local community.

In our operations, we focus on narrowing the gap between the structure of local population needs and the insufficient supply to meet those needs. We also aim to identify the needs and problems of the environment, responding by encouraging the development of innovative models of socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship. We collaborate with governmental institutions, and economic entities, and connect with other non-governmental organizations, which, alongside the state and the market, represent an increasingly vital third sector in the development of activities in Europe and locally.

Our areas of operation are::

  • social welfare programs;
  • medgeneracijsko sodelovanje in starejši;
  • intergenerational cooperation and the elderly;
  • and the development of social entrepreneurship;
  • training programs and employment programs;
  • programs of sustainable forms;
  • employment;
  • environmental protection and circular economy.

Temelj spoštovanja

Foundation of Respect

Society develops based on respect for democratic values, principles of collaboration in a spirit of goodwill, and constant acquisition of expertise in organizational development, project management, fundraising, social innovations, marketing, and individual professional disciplines. We set high goals in the areas of the society's activities that are directed towards the social progress of the entire region. We highly value modern knowledge of teamwork and collaboration, which form the foundation of successful organizational and personnel development. Humanitarian work ranks highest on our ethical scale, manifested in personal stories.

We set high goals in the areas of the society's activities that are directed towards the social progress of the entire region.

Employees of the society and volunteers are committed to the realization of human rights, active advocacy, and defense of democratic principles, equal opportunities, justice, social progress, preservation of natural and cultural heritage, creating conditions for a bright future for the youth, promoting creativity and innovation, and above all, the well-being of the most vulnerable, providing necessary support and assistance. We are part of the global social community, connected in international networks and projects, primarily operating in the local environment, and focused on the needs of the community.


Teamwork at Mozaik is characterized by nurturing good interpersonal relationships, mutual respect, and support, as we strive to be first and foremost human beings to each other and then colleagues. We believe that acquiring knowledge, awareness, and a cultivated sense of responsibility serve as levers for the growth of internal motivation in building responsible and collaborative teamwork, leading to shared results in the development of society and the well-being of people.

We believe that acquiring knowledge, awareness, and a cultivated sense of responsibility serve as levers for the growth of internal motivation.

We are Mozaik. We are open to collaboration with anyone who feels the need for personal change in unity for the good of people and the environment, as well as with institutions at the local, regional, national, or international level with similar missions or complementary reciprocity.

Timsko delo

Core values

Professionalism and informativeness

Good information and professionalism, comprehensive professional development of personnel and activities, are the fundamental basis of operation and simultaneously the strategic principle of the society's development.


In our operation, focused on implementing programs and services, we seek innovative approaches and novel forms of partnerships with the community (other NGOs, governmental institutions, local communities, experts, etc.), directing them towards the development of the organization, professional development of personnel, and the development of high-quality and accessible services.


We are here for everyone. We seek and recognize the needs of the community, individuals, and especially vulnerable social groups, as well as conditions for the sustainable development of an inclusive environment and community. In the community, we eliminate barriers to social inclusion based on social justice and solidarity; we open pathways and develop various forms of social inclusion, training, and employment.


We are where the needs are. We aim to ensure that our programs, activities, and services are accessible to people where they live, tailored to their needs, and responsive to changes.


We proactively seek, build, and maintain collaboration with non-governmental organizations, governmental institutions, experts, communities, and the public at the local, national, and international levels.


We professionally, compassionately, zealously, and responsibly implement the organization's programs and services. We aim to improve the quality of life, environmental protection, and the social and work inclusion of users in the local community as a significant contribution to an inclusive, ecological, and sustainably oriented civilizational perspective.


The mission of the Mozaik society is to create innovative network connections with diverse non-governmental organizations, as well as governmental institutions and local communities, to promote socially just and sustainably oriented development and improve the quality of life in Pomurje. In doing so, we introduce innovative business models and develop examples of best practices for:

  • enhancing social inclusion, employment, and the quality of life for vulnerable social groups,
  • environmental conservation and rural development,
  • promoting circular economy and comprehensive progress in Pomurje.

We are a team that collaboratively creates a professional and friendly work environment, where the individual qualities and abilities of each team member are valued. Our collaborative spirit and the support of colleagues are activated in achieving common goals. In this way, we create a best practice example of a friendly work environment that fosters internal motivation, job satisfaction, quality of life, and the appreciation of work as a mission. Additionally, we encourage the development of work and other community forms of living and collaboration, characterized by values of mutual respect, connectedness, and reciprocity. Our mission is to understand and overcome differences among people from the perspective of developmental opportunities and the construction of healthy and sustainably oriented communities.



Our vision is to become a highly professional and efficient, continuously evolving, and well-organized non-governmental organization, well-integrated into broader social networks, characterized by sustainability, stability, and sustainable connectivity with the environment. Closely aligned with non-governmental organizations, governmental partners, and economic entities, we see ourselves as a significant actor in co-creating environmentally friendly and sustainably oriented development in Pomurje. Our vision is supported by strategic goals for comprehensive and professional development of personnel, teamwork, and the development of networked multidisciplinary teams. In the future, we see ourselves as a central entity:

  • onnecting a supportive environment for the social inclusion and employment of vulnerable social groups,
  • co-creating and developing successfully operating green organizations,
  • development of human communities tailored to their needs,
  • "creating stimulating, friendly, and promising workplaces and work communities,

  • reating stimulating, friendly, and promising workplaces and work communities,
  • creating conditions for rural development, quality living, and the development of services in rural areas,
  • urturing harmony with nature and environmental conservation.

We pursue our mission and vision with a strategic focus on continuous collaboration, contributing to the realization of innovative solutions for the most pressing societal challenges through the exchange of knowledge and the transfer of best practices. Through mutual learning, we promote the empowerment of NGO staff, and with new projects, we strengthen and diversify financial resources, ensuring ongoing development in all areas of operation. In addition to deepening collaboration and planning new joint projects, we also enhance cooperation with local institutions operating in our areas of focus, national institutions and associations, as well as the international community.


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